AAA Anime Exclusive! Naruto Uzumaki's father, famous for perfecting Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Jutsu, teleported himself to Funko where he was transformed into this amazing Naruto: Shippuden Minato Namikaze Rasengan Pop! Vinyl Figure - AAA Anime Exclusive.
With his Rasengan spiral chakra sphere and his kunai, Minato stands about 3 3/4-inches tall and comes packaged in a window box for easy play or display.
This exciting item based on Naruto: Shippuden is an exclusive, so if you want one, you need to act quickly!
- AAA Anime Exclusive Minato Namikaze Pop! Vinyl figure!
- Naruto Uzumaki's father stands about 3 3/4-inches tall.
- Features his Rasengan spiral chakra sphere and his kunai!
- Inspired by Naruto: Shippuden, he comes packaged in a window box for play or display.